

Galleria Mario Iannelli

Via Flaminia 380, 00196 Rome, Italy

(side entrance: Largo Ignazio Jacometti 1)


opening hours:
during exhibitions or by appointment

Mario Iannelli began his activity as a gallery owner in 2006. He focused on Italian art from the 1950s to the 1970s and curated exhibitions of some major exponents with the Galleria pH7. 

After two years of work with the “Galerie Mario Iannelli Berlin” from 2010 to 2012, in 2014 he opened a new hub in Rome, aiming to start a collaboration with international artists and show an open platform promoting the artistic research.

The gallery program offers a distinctive reflection on the present time through artistic practices that combine different conceptual perspectives and a wide range of media. 
Exhibitions are aimed at the realisation of new projects and often result from residency periods.
The group exhibitions focus on the artists’ work and deepen their connections from a historical and contemporary viewpoint.

The exhibited projects are presented with an ongoing dialogue with international galleries and cultural institutions, broadening the exhibition context. 
“Work in Process” progressive publication shows the Mario Iannelli Gallery activity and highlights its focus on conceptual and process-based work.